É possível traduzir a liberdade? O processo de tradução e a questão da identidade anticolonial em Wilhelm Tell in Manila (2016), de Annette Hug



anticolonialism; identity; freedom; translation; transfiction; transculturalism


 Wilhelm Tell in Manila by Annette Hug (2016) constitutes a fictional narrative about a process of literary translation (transfiction). The act of creative rewriting gives rise to the construction of a new text that emerges from the encounter between Schiller’s German language in Wilhelm Tell (1804), the minority language (Tagalog) in Guillermo Tell (1907) by the Filipino translator José Rizal, and the Swiss author/translator’s retroversion (2016). This configuration assumes the starting point of Hug’s metafictional narrative. Its main thread is represented by the construction of the protagonist’s cultural identity, fictionalizing the historical
personality of José Rizal. His growing anti-colonialist thinking manifests itself in the combination of concepts such as freedom and independence identified by Hug as central to the Skopos of the translation. By using the fictional representation of a translation process, in this specific case based on the author’s back-translation, it is possible to highlight the linguistic, identity, and cultural transformations that constitute the act of translation, which lead to the creation of a new text, offering us a new perspective on the function of literary translation and, consequently, on the translator as a mediating figure. 


